Discover, plan, and navigate the best cycling routes — all in one place.

From EuroVelo to national cycling networks, VeloPlanner puts the world's official, signposted routes in one place. Download GPX files, access detailed route information, and plan your next ride with confidence.

VeloPlanner screenshot

Everything you need to plan your next adventure

Routes and POI explorer

Explore official routes and points of interest from around the world.


Ride with confidence - from smooth tarmac to gravel paths, know your route before you roll.

Road classes

Know what to expect - from quiet local roads to dedicated cycling paths.

Advanced route planning

Create custom routes that follow cycling routes - intelligent planning that prioritizes official bike routes for your perfect adventure.

Official Cycling Routes by Region

From local networks to EuroVelo routes, explore signposted cycling paths across different regions. Find your next adventure on officially marked trails.